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DAE-AN017: Domoticz with Denkovi Modules

Domoticz is open source popular home automation software which can run on WIndows, Linux, MAC and even Rasberry PI. Here you will find some information how to run Denkovi modules together with Domoticz (Thanks Rob and Domoticz Team!) More information -




Domoticz support for Denkovi Hardware

In this moment (August 2018) there are three plugins for Denkovi hardware:

  • Denkovi Modules with LAN (HTTP) interface
  • Denkovi Modules with LAN (TCP) interface
  • Denkovi Modules with USB interface

These three plugins are developed by Denkovi team.

Denkovi Smartden with LAN interface and Denkovi Smartden IP In with LAN interface are no more supported and are removed from Hardware list!




Hardware plugin Denkovi Modules with LAN (HTTP) interface - supports devices using HTTP communication 


Devices, supported by this plugin:

Denkovi Device
Domoticz Model Note
DAEnetIP4 - SNMP Ethernet controller with 34 digital/analog I/O, DAEnetIP4 Ethernet Relay Card 5 Channel, DAEnetIP4 Ethernet Relay Card 5 Channels - DIN BOX, DAEnetIP4 Ethernet 12 Relay I/O Board DAEnetIP4  
smartDEN IP-16 Relay Module, smartDEN IP-16 Relay Module - DIN BOX SmartDEN IP-16R  
smartDEN IP-32IN Module SmartDEN IP-32IN  
smartDEN Notifier SmartDEN Notifier Reads only the inputs, MQTT notifications are not supported
smartDEN Logger SmartDEN Logger Reads only the inputs and not the SD card files
smartDEN IP WatchDog SmartDEN IP Watchdog  
smartDEN Maxi, smartDEN Maxi MQTT SmartDEN IP Maxi MQTT Notifications are not supported
smartDEN Opener SmartDEN Opener MQTT Notifications are not supported
smartDEN Modbus TCP Ethernet 16 Relay Board, smartDEN Modbus TCP Ethernet 16 Relay Module - DIN RAIL BOX SmartDEN IP-16R-MT  
smartDEN IoT MQTT Ethernet 16 Relay Board, smartDEN IoT MQTT Ethernet 16 Relay Module - DIN RAIL BOX SmartDEN IP-16R-MQ MQTT Notifications are not supported
DAEnet IP3-ET, DAEnet IP3 Ethernet 12 Relay Module, DAEnet IP3 Ethernet Relay Card 5 Channel, DAEnet IP3 IP Relay Board 8 Channel, DAEnet IP3-WT, DAEnet IP3 WiFi 12 Relay Module, DAEnet IP3 WiFi Relay Card 5 Channel, DAEnet IP3 WiFi Relay Board 8 Channels DAEnetIP3  
DAEnetIP2, DAEnetIP2 2 Relay Board, DAEnetIP2 8 Relay Board, DAEnetIP2 Ethernet 16 Relay Board DAEnetIP2  
DAEnetIP2 8 Relay Module - LM35DZ DAEnetIP2 8 Relay Module - LM35DZ  
DAEnetIP2 v2, DAEnetIP2 v2 2 Relay Board, DAEnetIP2 v2 8 Relay Board, DAEnetIP2 v2 Ethernet 16 Relay Board DAEnetIP2  
DAEnetIP2 v2 8 Relay Module - LM35DZ DAEnetIP2 8 Relay Module - LM35DZ  


Please note:

  • Due to the specific of the communication (HTTP GET requests), it is strongly recommend to log-out from the denkovi hardware device web server when working with Domoticz because either the communication will not be established either the user will be logged-of automatically every time when a request come from Domoticz server.
  • For DAEnetIP4/smartDEN devices before start the Domoticz system, please be sure the HTTP / XML / JSON settings are done properly, as the image below:

Specificly, please be sure the parameters Enable XML Access and Multiple XML Access are enabled and Encrypt XML Password is disabled.

Some settings for this plugin:

  • Model - the device model as per the above table
  • Remote address - the IP address of the module
  • Port - the HTTP port of the module
  • Refresh(ms) - the polling period for the I/O
  • Password - the HTTP (web) password


Hardware plugin Denkovi Modules with LAN (TCP) interface - supports devices using raw TCP communication 


Devices, supported by this plugin:

Denkovi Device
Model Note
Wi-Fi 16 Relay Module - Modbus TCP WiFi 16 Relays-TCP Modbus  
Wi-Fi 16 Relay Module - Modbus TCP DIN RAIL BOX WiFi 16 Relays-TCP Modbus                           
WiFi 16 Relay Module WiFi 16 Relays-VCP  
WiFi 16 Relay Module DIN RAIL BOX WiFi 16 Relays-VCP  



Hardware plugin Denkovi Modules with USB Interface - supports devices using Virtual COM Port communication 


Devices, supported by this plugin:

Denkovi Device
Model Note
USB 16 Relay Module USB 16 Relays-VCP  
USB 16 Relay Module DIN RAIL BOX USB 16 Relays-VCP  


Some settings for this plugin:

  • Model - the device model as per the above table
  • Serial Port - the serial port of the module


One Wire devices connected via 1 Wire (System) - supports denkovi devices with 1-wire communication


Devices, supported by this plugin:

Denkovi Device
Model Note
USB One Wire Converter   Requires OWFS installed and USB One Wire Converter
One Wire Eight Relay Board-PCB, One Wire Eight Relay Board-BOX   Requires OWFS installed and USB One Wire Converter


Some settings for this plugin:

  • OWFS Path - the path to the 1 wire file system
  • Sensor Poll Period - the polling period for sensors
  • Switch Poll Period - the polling period for switches



List with supported denkovi hardware for the old hardware plugins (NO MORE SUPPORTED)

These are the devices according to the deprecated plugins Denkovi Smartden with LAN interface and Denkovi Smartden IP In with LAN interface. These plugins are not recommend to be used for new users. Please update Domoticz to the latest beta version. Also for current projects please migrate to the plugin Denkovi Modules with LAN (HTTP) interface.


Denkovi Device
Corresponding Domoticz hardware Type
DAEnetIP4 - SNMP Ethernet controller with 34 digital/analog I/O Denkovi Smartden IP In with LAN interface
DAEnetIP4 Ethernet Relay Card 5 Channel Denkovi Smartden IP In with LAN interface
DAEnetIP4 Ethernet 12 Relay I/O Board Denkovi Smartden IP In with LAN interface
smartDEN 16 Relay Module Denkovi Smartden with LAN interface
smartDEN IP-32IN Module Denkovi Smartden IP In with LAN interface
smartDEN Notifier Denkovi Smartden IP In with LAN interface



Adding new device

To add new device, go to "Setup" -> "Hardware".



Then enter the parameters and click "Add" button.


The new device will be shown.



Check the I/O of the device

Now, go to "Setup" -> "Devices". You will see all the I/O of the device. You can control and monitor them from this page as well. In that way we are sure the device is added correctly and we can proceed with the automation.





Use the I/O

It is possible easily to use the I/O just using the green arrows as shown below.



For example, the digital outputs (relays) will be show on "Switches" tab.


If you want to "send" some I/O to the dashboard, just use the "star" symbol below.


And the dashboard...



Working with PWM (Analog Outputs)

Some devices like smartDEN Maxi and DAEnetIP4 supports PWM/analog outputs for dimming projects. In order to control/monitor them, please check the below information.








Monitor the graphics for the inputs

Some devices supports various inputs - analog, digital, temperature and they can be logged by the Domoticz system. However please note the Domoticz software must be running constantly in order to record the data.





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