Ethernet Relay Card 5 Channel with DAEnetIP3 - TCP/IP, HTTP API, RTC
Ethernet relay card - five channels controlled by LAN. Based on DAEnetIP3 Ethernet IP controller which adds also 8 additional digital outputs, 8 analog inputs, 8 digital inputs and 1 UART port. With this card it is possible to control up to five independent electrical appliances. Supports TCP/IP protocol, HTTP API, Telnet, serial communication. It is possible to control the card via desktop software (DRM), DRMv3, via integrated web server (web browser), via FREE iOS and Android App, via command line utility and many other third party applications. Works with Home Assistant, Domoticz and OpenHAB home automation systems as well as with Node-RED IoT platform. Can be used in Home Automation, Industrials, Robotcs.
- Brand: Denkovi Assembly Electronics ltd.
- Weight: 0.200 Kgs
- Based on DAEnetIP3-EB (documentation)
- 10/100 Mbit Ethernet interface with Link Led. Auto MDIX
- UART interface for RS232/RS485 serial connection with other such controllers. UART can be used also for configuration of the parameters
- Power supply voltage, selectable during purchase:
- 12VDC / 230mA
- 24VDC / 160mA (for series after 06 Nov 2017)
- 5 SPDT relay channels (the type depends on the stocks quantity in our store):
- TONGLING - JQC-3FF-S-Z (10A / 250VAC, 15A / 120VAC, 10A / 28VDC)
- SUNHOLD - RAS xx15 (10A / 250VAC, 15A / 120VAC, 15A / 24VDC)
- 1 x 8 digital inputs. Levels: 0-3.3V
- 1 x 8 digital outputs. Levels: 0-3.3V
- 1 x 8 analog inputs (0 - 2.048VDC input range). Referent voltage: 2.048 V, resolution: 10 bits (for series after 06 Nov 2017)
- On boot the outputs are set with states before reset
- Built in RTC (Real Time Clock). It can be synchronized via NTP manually or automatically each 6 hours
- Capacitor power backup keeps time for days during power failure
- Virtual Serial Port - it may be accessed with Serial RS232 commands over TCP/IP network
- Integrated WEB server with password and features like Ajax parameters reading
- Configuration utility software DAEnetIP3 Manager available - here
- Telnet commands
- HTTP API commands
- TCP/IP ASCII protocol with optional RC4 encryption
- All the network ports can be defined by the user
- Supports ICMP (ping)
- 19 modes for I/O lines such as inverting, timer, pulses, setting output via input and switch ON/OFF according particular time (scheduling)
- Any input may be referred to control any output of this or another controller in the TCP/IP network
- Linearization for the analog inputs
- Box-to-Box (distributed) mode
- SMTP with authentication (SSL is not supported)
- E-mail notifications for various events
- IP address protection
- Power and status led
- Supported by DRMv3 Software - New;
- Software by Denkovi - DRM Software (Windows/Linux), DAEnetIP3 Configuration utility, Command Line Tool, DAE-iModules App for iOS and DAE-aModules App for Android;
- Third party software - more info here;
- Supported by Home Assistant home automation software - New;
- Supported by openHAB home automation software;
- Supported by Domoticz home automation software;
- Supported by Node-RED IoT platform;
- Various software examples - here;
Please note the relay board does not come with power supply adapter that you may need. We offer such suitable 12V adapters with plug-in outlet for your country on this link:
Application examples
- Electrical appliances remote control applications
- Home automation
- Irrigation systems
- Security and fire alarm systems
- Remote Lock/unlock doors
- Suitable for school and university education
Access via software DRMv3
This Five channel Ethernet Relay Module is supported by DRMv3 Software.
The device can be found in the device list under the default name: DAEnetIP3 LAN 5 Relay
Access from Home Assistant
Home Assistant is very powerful home automation system. Please checkout our application note for more information.
Access DAEnetIP3 from OpenHAB
OpenHAB is a third party open source free home automation software. Run your server on Linux, macOS, Windows, Raspberry Pi, PINE64, Docker, Synology... Access it with apps for the web, iOS, Android and others. Use a powerful and flexible engine to design rules, with time and event-based triggers, scripts, actions, notifications and voice control.
The communication way is done via HTTP GET requests. More information about the integration with our hardware - or contact with us.
Access DAEnetIP3 from Domoticz
Domoticz is a free open source popular home automation software which can run on Windows, Linux, MAC, Rasberry PI and others. It is a home automation system design to control various devices and receive input from various sensors. Access it with apps for the web, iOS, Android and others.
More information about how to connect and use it with our hardware - or contact with us.
Access DAEnetIP3 from Node-RED
Node-RED is a flow-based programming platform for the Internet of Things. We prepared small example for communication between Node-RED and our device. More info about Node-RED and denkovi modules: here
You can download the example Node-RED flow from here for HTTP GET Requests
Access DAEnetIP3 from mobile devices
iOS App DAE-iModules
Android App DAE-aModules
The video bellow shows how you can control DAEnetIP3 based device - Wi-Fi 12 Relay Module. Any other Denkovi Ethernet Device from this list can be acessed with same success from your iOS device via DAE-iModules
Here it is shwon video how to set-up the android application by iSwitch, LLC with DAEnetIP3:
Some useful information about DAE-iModules and DAE-aModules and DAEnetIP3:
- Select device DAEnetIP3. Enter the IP, HTTP Port and web password for the device
- Tab "Other" contains the analog input values for the hardware linearization (by DAEnetIP3) while tab "Analog Inputs" shows their original values
- To connect and scale the analog inputs with sensors, please refer to this link:
Access via DAEnetIP3 Manager
A free utlity for all DAEnetIP3 based modules for controling, configuration, monitoring and log all the DAEnetIP3 parameters.
Download and documentation - here
Access via DAEnetIP3 Command Line Tool
Windows/Linux/osX command line tool create especially for DAEnetIP3. It allows easy integration of the DAEnetIP3 into third party software, control from command promt, control from bat files, from bash scripts, from shortcut and others. For more info and download here:
Access via Web browser
DAEnetIP3 has built-in web server for configuration. All the parameters can be accessed via web browsers like Mozilla, IE and Opera. The pages for I/O ports are refreshed automatically. In this way it is possible to track all the I/O states in real time without manually refreshing the page. The web browser must support JavaScript.
The page below the text shows the page for the analog inputs. Their states are automaticaly refreshed each 2-3 seconds. The user doesn't have to click refresh button each time but just tracks the I/O changing values almost in real time (Ajax).
Access via HTTP API commands
Bellow are shown example commands. Please note that there is HTTP API password (by default it is admin) to prevent unauthorized access.
Example commands:
send: http://your.ip.address/command.html?P=admin&ASG=?& (get the whole PortA status of DAEnetIP3)
receive: <!DOCTYPE html><html><body>ASG=0F0F;</body></html>
send:http://your.ip.address/command.html?P=admin&ASG=?&BVG=?&CV0=?& (send several commands at a time)
receive: <!DOCTYPE html><html><body>ASG=FFFF;BVG=0F;CV0=12;</body></html>
Access via Telnet
DAEnetIP3 can be easily accessed via Telnet. Simple password protection mechanizm is provided. Note that Telnet is not secure protocol, so it is recommend using only in secure networks.
On the figure right to the text is shown how DAEnetIP3 controller with IP address is accessed via Telnet with Windows XP.
- Open command line and type: telnet "Controller IP"
- Use the passowrd, in our case this is admin. After correct login the controller responds with welcome message.
- The first command is ASG=0000; - it sets all 16 DO in low level.
- CV0=?; gets the ADC channel 0 value. Its 415; It may be from 0 up to 1023.
- BVG=?; gets the eight digital inputs levels. Its 00, which means all inputs are in low level
- ASG=FFFF; Sets all the 16 DO in high level.
Ofcourse these commands are only small part. The full list may be found in the documentation.
Access via serial line (UART or RS485)
Each DAEnetIP3 controller may be accessed via UART serial communication. The protocol is given in the documentation. This is provided in case you need RS485 network for example accessed only with one IP address. Each controller has serial address, that is given in each packet sent to the server bridge from user software. The figure below to the text shows how 3 DAEnetIP3 controllers are connected in serial network using UART <-> RS485 convertors (not included in the auction). The serial network may be accessed over LAN, WLAN or WAN with user TCP/IP socket based software.
Access via TCP/IP socket
DAEnetIP3 controller has possibility for access via TCP/IP socket. The user may connect with custom software to port that is defined for socket based TCP/IP communication.
The protocol is not based on some standart, but it is developed especially for the DAEnetIP3 controller. The full description of the protocol may be found in the user manual.
The reason for creating such communiation way is that TCP/IP sockets are widely used in all programing languages.In this way you may create software for DAEnetIP3 without learning difficult and heavy protocols.
The controller supports RC4 encryption/decription for the TCP/IP socket comunication. This is security measure that gives you basic protection.
Another security option is IP address protection, that allows only one IP to access the DAEnetIP3 via Web, Socket and Telnet.
DAEnetIP3 Five Relay Card documentation - here
DAEnetIP3 user's manual (documentation) - here
How to connect analog sensors to the module - here
How to connect inductive loads - here
Denkovi software
DAE-iModules - App for iOS mobile devices, support link here
DAE-aModules - App for Android mobile devices, support link here
DAEnetIP3 Manager - here
DRMv3 Software - software for monitoring, control and configuration - here
DRM Software - software for controlling relays - here
DAEnetIP3 Command Line Tool - here
Home Assistant - This device is supported by Home Assistant. For more information - please follow this article.
Domoticz - This device is supported by the powerful home automation system Domoticz. Please take a look at our application note for more information -
openHAB - This device is supported by the powerful home automation system openHAB. Please take a look at our application note for more information. You can also download the configuration files for openHAB (ver 2.2.0) for communication via HTTP GET requests.
MajorDomo - Innovative home automation system. It has web interface, voice control, notifications, GPS tracking and many more features. More information - here
MyDomoticaHd - Android software by Additional explanation how to use the software with our ethernet relays and ip controllers - here:
Please note that TFTP firmware upgrade is not anymore supported. From our experience we don't recommend to use it because it is unsafe and can damage your DAEnetIP3 controller.
Date | Version | Notes |
6 Oct 2013 |
2.0.0 |
New features and bug-fixing list: here.The controller will be shipped with this version. |
Sep 2011 | 1.0.0 | The initial release (documentation for 1.0.0 version) |
Date | Changes |
06 Nov 2017 |
Series produced after this date are with:
Node-RED IoT platform - example communication flow with HTTP GET Requests. More about Denkovi modules and Node-RED: here.
LabVIEW 2011 - Example how to set/get the DAEnetIP3 I/O status via HTTP GET requests. The code is not public, but a download link will be sent to your email after purchase.
VB.NET Express 2010 (screenshot) - Example how to access DAEnetIP3 via Virtual Com Port (VCP). There is tutorial how to do this - here. The executable file is here.
VB.NET Express 2010 - Examples how to access DAEnetIP3 via sockets.
C#.NET Express 2010 - Example how to access DAEnetIP3 via HTTP GET commands.
C++.NET Express 2010 - Example how to access DAEnetIP3 via HTTP GET commands.
Visual Basic 6: Example1 (TCP socket) - acess the I/O lines (does not include RC4) download. Example2 (HTTP GET Requests) - communicate with the module using HTTP get requests.
Borlnad C++ Builder 6 (screenshot) - Example how to acess the I/O lines (does not include RC4) - download.
Java (using TCP/IP sockets) - Example how to acess the I/O lines (does not include RC4) - download.
Java (using HTTP/API) - Example how to acess the I/O lines (does not include RC4) - download.
Node.js (HTTP GET Requests) - example how to communicate with the module using HTTP get requests in Node.js.
Python - Example how to set/get the device I/O status using HTTP GET requests