An IF (Intermediate Frequency) downconverter controller (432Mhz up and down to 28Mhz) with a network switching interface for the RF and Microwave bands such as 70cm, 23cm, 13cm, 5.7Ghz, 10Ghz and 24Ghz. This rack is controlled under the local Ethernet network to switch the different bands and transport the 28Mhz intermediate frequency to the central station. The IP board in addition to the switching function has also few other roles such as to commute the power amplifiers, the transverters and tower preamplifiers for each band, and also to monitor the 48V tower power supply, the output power of the RF and microwave amplifiers.
Used device: Ethernet TCP/IP 12 Relay Module with DAEnetIP3
Project developer: Pierre-François (f5bqp_pfm)
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